"Means and Mechanisms" is the Faculty of Pharmacy / PSGSA's lunchtime seminar series dedicated to the discussion of a broad range of research issues relating to methodology. These topics may be presented in terms of the technique itself, in the context of a paper of topical interest; or as part of a student's thesis research project.
The intent is to provide an informal seminar setting in which the graduate faculty and students can, through the use of "chalk talks", delve more deeply into the details (problems and their solutions) of various research methodologies / techniques of mutual interest than is typically possible in a seminar setting.
This seminar series also provides an opportunity for students to interact with one another and learn more about the research methods being used by their counterparts in other laboratories. All students and research faculty are cordially invited to attend.
Place: Room 850, Pharmacy Building, 144 College Ave., Toronto
Monthly schedule of seminar topics (U of T)
"Departmental" M&M poster template
"Lunchclub" M&M poster template