Introductory Neurobiology - ZOO332H1S
Dr. Andrew J. Elia

Dept. of Zoology,
University of Toronto

tidbul1e.gif (155 bytes) This is the Home Page (Jan.06-April 11, 2003)

Lecture Titles General/Messages Lecture1 Lecture2 Lecture3 Lecture4 Lecture5 Lecture6 Lecture7a Autorad/Tech Lecture8 Lecture9 Lecture9b Lecture10 Lecture11 Lecture13 NMW_Suppl'tal NMW_Ch8

ZOO332H1S – L5101                 Jan. 06 – April 11, 2003       General Info              (AJE) Pg. 1


Professor: Andrew J. Elia (Team Leader), Ramsay Wright Zoological Laboratories and Advanced Medical Discovery Institute (AMDI)/Ontario Cancer Institute, email : (416) 946 4501 Ext: 5488#

TA:  Sharon Hill, Dept. of Zoology (Erindale Campus), email: (905) 569 4752

Office Hours: AJE - at lecture or by appointment; SH - Fridays 10am - 11am, RWZL 303

Guest Lecturers: in the past one or two guest lecturers presented topics relating to their research interests.  These lectures provide a chance for students to see first hand of how some of the principles and techniques discussed in class are applied to current research questions in Neurobiology. Material they present may be examined in term tests and/or the final exam.

Lectures: MWF 11am-12noon

Tutorials: Fridays 11am. TA office hours: Fridays 10am-11am, RWZL 303. Tutorial time will be mainly used for special topics (readings), “help sessions” on lecture material or assignments (details will be announced in class), etc. Students participate by asking questions, contributing to discussion, and in writing quizzes on selected readings. You should use email to ask questions of SH about the tutorial. If a problem can't be resolved then see me (AJE).

Marking scheme (NOTE CHANGE FROM ORIGINAL (JAN. 13, 2003) )

 Assignment/Seminar*:  25% - an assignment (10%), quizzes, and participation (15%)

   Term Tests (two): 15% ( Feb. 11, 2002 ) and 20% (March 25 or April 01)

   Final Exam: 40% (TBA)  

  Penalty for lateness: 5% per day


Term test results will be posted outside RW 019, from which returned papers may be collected. The first term test will be primarily a multiple-choice format, and may include some short answers. The 2nd term test will include a mixture of multiple choice, short answer, and experiment/diagram interpretation (and be more similar to the format of the final exam).

NOTE: There will be NO make-up tests in this course. Weight from a missed test will be transferred to the final exam weight.  For example, if you miss term test 1, the final exam will be worth 55% of your final grade. If you miss both term tests your final exam weighting becomes 75% of your final grade. (Not a very pleasant scenario.) If you fail to hand in the assignment and fail to do the quizzes you will receive 0/25 (weighting is NOT transferred).

The final exam will cover the entire course and may also include more extensive questions, essay style (with diagrams where appropriate), although the style changes from year to year.


Required Text: From Neuron to Brain, (Nicholls, Martin, Wallace & Fuchs, 4th edition, 2001, Sinauer, ISBN 0-87893-439-1). This is a well-written, detailed text that favours experimental principles and reminds us of who was responsible for them. A limited number of an alternative primary textbook, which was published recently, is available: NeuroScience, 2nd edition, edited by Purves et al. (Sinauer, 2001, ISBN 0-87893-742-0).

Other Texts: Essentials of Neural Science and Behaviour edited by Kandel, Schwartz and Jessell (Appleton and Lange, 1995, ISBN 0-8385-2245-9), although page references will be for the NMWF text. The Neuron, by Levitan and Kaczmarek (1991 - Oxford ) is another text that reads very easily, and focuses more on concepts and less on experimental detail.


DO NOT EXPECT ALL FIGURES AND MATERIAL TO BE DERIVED FROM THE REQUIRED TEXT. Some figures will appear in lectures and slides from other sources (texts and journal articles). They will be referenced where possible.


Also note that each lecture listed on the web pages is actually two lectures in one (so there are 12 lectures listed instead of 24). Revised lectures (note date on cover page) will appear on the web site as the course progresses, usually at least one week in advance.  Please report any bugs you experience in the web pages to me (AJE).


ZOO 332H1S – L5101                               Jan. 06 – April 11, 2003           General Info (AJE)                Pg. 2

 Brief Outline:

Emphasis will favour physiological principles of neurobiology (but not to the exclusion of physical or chemical principles where necessary).  Be prepared to work beyond assigned readings if you have no physiology background.

The course will begin with a review of some fundamental principles of neurobiology, neuronal structure and function, and the techniques used to explore the nervous system. Experimental models will favour invertebrates. Lectures will include (but are not limited to) such topics as: chemical and electrical gradients across cell membranes, electrical nature of neurons, the Nernst and Goldman equations, nerve impulses and their conduction along the axon (the action potential), Hodgkin and Huxley dogma, the "truth" about "all-or-none", factors which influence propagation of an action potential, ion channels and receptors, synaptic transmission, the use of toxins, structure and function of insect nervous system, invertebrate neurophysiology, and plasticity in the nervous system (invertebrate)(cercal hair ablation and recovery of function).  An introduction to second messengers, physiological properties of synapses, an introduction to their integrative role in neural networks and the control of whole animal functions, and development of the nervous system will also be discussed. Selected examples of molecular/genetic models of diseases of the nervous system of vertebrates will be presented as time permits.

Preliminary Lecture Outline and Text References:

NOTE: The sequence of material presented in lectures may not exactly follow that outlined below.  Also, be sure to check for handouts (updates) given at lectures. Some additions/changes to material listed may occur.

Week 1-3 :         Overview of neurons and the nervous system; ion channels, structure and signalling. Chapters 1 to 3, 7. Ch.1 is a briefly outlines just about everything to come. Later chapters (and lectures) will expand on many of these topics.  We then jump to Ch.7 for an intro to electrical (cable) properties of neurons. Ch. 2 jumps immediately into the molecules, structures, and chemical (ionic) gradients that allow the nervous system to send information in terms of electrical impulses. You’re also introduced to electrical recording from neurons.  Ch.3 introduces cloning and characterizing ion channels and receptors. It is these ion channels and receptors that are responsible for signalling in the nervous system. 

Week 4-6/7:       Na-K Pump (ATPase) (more on other ion pumps later); Ionic basis of resting and action potentials. Structure and function of insect nervous system (no chapter reference).  Chapters 4 to 7, 9. Chapter 4 deals with ion pumps that maintain ionic gradients across membranes. For now focus on the section dealing with the Na-K pump, we will return to this chapter later in the term. Chapters 5, 6, and 7 deal with the intimate details of the electrical nature of neurons (and the nervous system). This is classical neurobiology you should already be familiar with, although not in the detail that we will cover. There are also some new, interesting twists that add to this classic neurobiology (for example TTX-resistant Na+ channels and how an isolated member of a species of snake takes advantage of this characteristic (evolution at work?)). We will also look at the insect nervous system – basic structure and circuitry. Some specific circuitry that processes sensory input from the external environment, to modulation of central synapses, to behaviour will be introduced (this model system will be built upon as the term progresses).

Week 8-9:          Intercellular communication –Electrical and chemical synaptic transmission. Directly- and indirectly-gated synapses and neuronal integration. Chapters 9 & 10. Chapter 9 deals with basic synaptic mechanisms (electrical and chemical) and how information is integrated. Much of this is considered “classical”. More recently the importance of 2nd messengers in synaptic physiology has become apparent ( Ch. 10).

Week 9-10:        Neurotransmitters and their release. Chapters 11 & 12. The other half of the information processing story lies in how neurotransmitters are released. Ch. 11 blends the old with the new showing how some of the “classic” dogma has been supported, and extended, by modern techniques. Ch. 12 introduces the data supporting plasticity of synaptic transmission – efficacy of transmission at a synapse is not fixed! Some of this will be put into a behavioural context including the sea slug (Aplysia) and, of course, we will look at integration and modulation of sensory information by the CNS of the cockroach using the wind evoked escape response as a model system (not in the textbook).

Week 10/11:      Cellular and Molecular Biochemistry of Synaptic Transmission & Neurotransmitters. Ch. 13 & 14. We will cover some specific examples from these chapters, depending upon time remaining. Make sure you check notes (lecture &/or web pages) to get the info.

Week 11-13:      The last two/three weeks of lectures will be selected topics. Some of these may be worked into lectures during earlier parts of the term. More information will be provided as the term progresses. Examples of topics in the past: Cellular mechanisms of motor control; Development of the nervous system; Classical experiments/ recordings from the retina and visual cortex; Myotonias (ion channels - handout), myasthenia gravis, MS (myelin and immune related diseases of the nervous system, role of integrins in MS); Neuroglia cells.