Introductory Neurobiology - ZOO332H1S
Dept. of Zoology,
University of Toronto

Lecture Titles General/Messages Lecture1 Lecture2 Lecture3 Lecture4 Lecture5 Lecture6 Lecture7a Autorad/Tech Lecture8 Lecture9 Lecture9b Lecture10 Lecture11 Lecture13 NMW_Suppl'tal NMW_Ch8

tidbul1e.gif (155 bytes) References Lecture 1:

I've included a few figures and/or journal articles (in whole or in part in Adobe.PDF format) that can be read by those wishing to further indulge their curiosity. Material from these papers will NOT be the subject of test or exam questions, unless it happens to appear in lecture or in a primary text reference.

The patch clamp technique allows for recording from single (or multiple) channels in a membrane. The different modes of recording are illustrated in this Acrobat.PDF file. You should know these as they will presented in lecture.