Remote Imaging Workstation


A remote imaging workstation is provided for MIH microscopy users for purposes of performing offline reconstruction and quantitative morphometric analyses on image stacks collected from fluorescent and microinjection scopes.  Located in room 962 (Pharmacy) this workstation is equipped with network linkages to both scopes, a dual core 2.6 GHz processor, 4 GB Ram, and 500 GB of dedicated work space / user.  In addition to departmental and SSH secure shell network connections, a 52x CD burner and high speed data ports are provided for users to download their data.  Room security provided by video surveillance 24 hrs/day.

Account Setup:

To setup an account for this system, fill out the following form, and see deposit conditions which apply. The completed form may be emailed to the facility administrator. You will be sent your MIH ID and password via email once the account is established.

Unit Rates:

Internal Academic (Pharmacy):                       $0/hr
External Academic (University of Toronto):     $10/hr
Non-Academic:                                                $20/hr

Booking time:

To book time, click on the link shown below.   Remember to enter your six digit ID code to validate bookings.   Individual lab groups should limit their time to a maximum of three hours per day; two hours during peak periods.  Times may be booked 7 days per week, 24 hours per day.

     Calender for workstation       (Account: mih_workstation)

 Site Navigation:

     MIH Home Page

     Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto 

     University of Toronto Home Page 

     Henderson Laboratory Home Page

      Send mail to Dr. Henderson: